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Organizational realities call for certain kind of behavioral and soft skills’ maturity so that technical expediencies match with social and human needs in organizations. Needless to say that we, at all times, are involved in day–to–day human drama full of intrapersonal and interpersonal dialogues while performing our professional roles living our personal lives effectively.

In organizations, personnel are required to show two sets of skills – one set dealing with a specific technology, be it medicine, engineering or teaching, and another set dealing with the areas of human relations with reference to our roles which we are supposed to perform. Thus, a doctor doesn’t face just an ulcer or a manager does not deal with a mere act of insubordination nor does a teacher simply train minds ready to receive information. In all these instances, one faces a human being who is perhaps scared, dependent or rebellious, or even not fully matured and aware about his roles and responsibilities. This calls for certain attitudes and skills to translate these into organizational realities.

Therefore, the challenge before all of us is to learn to reach out, to empower the self and others where the others are with past hurts and anger, with anxiety and fear, with disappointment, frustration and aggression, with apathy and emptiness, or with the joy and excitement of living and working together within our respective role spaces.

Location & Date

  • 19th - 23rd June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


For India: Rs.17500/-
For Other Countries: $750

About Cancellation Policies

Course Outline


The main purpose of this intervention is to increase the mutuality of roles in an organization. Organizational effectiveness, to a large extent, depends on such mutuality. We aim at enabling the participants to:

  • Recognize that organizational roles are a way of being with and relating to one another in caring and responsible ways.
  • Make participants deeply aware of themselves, their roles and jobs, their company and their own place in the system (no other programme gives such a deep realization of the self).
  • In the present business scenario emerging in India and worldwide, talented and cohesive employees at all level is the prerequisite of business sustenance and growth opportunity.
  • To build and groom line and management staff for present and future leadership.
  • Develop attitudes of valuing the dignity of self and others, including their peers as well as their roles.
  • Develop skills of caring, human relations and communication like; (a) attending, (b) listening, (c) respecting, (d) empathizing, (e) being congruent, (f) problem solving, etc.
  • Realize the importance of their (participants’) adjustment with the system and with the Management.
  • Form a strong cohesive TEAM (we call it Growth Circle) and manage the interpersonal, interdepartmental conflicts effectively.
Philosophy Of The Program

Personal jobs and roles on the one hand and inter-relationships, on the other, are the major roles of every employee irrespective of his status. Every employee’s principal roles are to bring about the efficiency for themselves, their teams (departments/functions) and the organizational roles at par with the highest benchmark in the world, the industrial scene and surpass the best to survive in the international market. (The famous cliché: YOU HAVE TO RUN VERY-VERY FAST TO STAY WHERE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!)

Course Coverage

The course will focus on aligning the problem solving approach of the program with overall competencies mapping model and the general management policies of the SCHAEFLER GROUP of companies.

  • Self-awareness - weaknesses, strengths and motivation of individual participants.
  • Intra-personal & interpersonal competencies and Expectations of participants from each other in the group. Accepting others and peers.
  • Team Building with employees’ development. Working together.
  • Trust and Confidence among peers, superiors and subordinates.
  • Communication & conflict Management
  • Group Dynamics and Team Building
  • Appreciative Enquiry
  • Leadership and owning the responsibilities vis-à-vis managerial and executive functions.
  • Serving as Role Models - Cooperative Management Style.
  • Time management - Reaching the goal and targets.
  • Global and local leadership.
  • Management of Discipline - Being aware of one’s own responsibility.
  • Action plan for use of the acquired skills at the workplace
Key Benefits

We guarantee attitudinal and behavior change along with intensive self-realization as a result of this programme. We expect that the participants will go as better aware persons about their surroundings, the management’s imperatives and situational needs to manage competitively.


Five entire days (minimum). Each day will have a minimum of six hours of actual learning sessions. Being an unstructured program, the sessions, may, at times, even go late into the evening.


The approach to training will be predominantly experiential, intrapersonal and inter-personal processes. Role-plays and sharing of experiences will be employed to enable the participants to acquire the attitudes and skills referred above. Theory will be deliberately kept to the minimum. Largely, the programme will be UNSTRUCTURED along with some structured sessions.

Target Groups

All categories of Managers and Executives ranging from the MD to Junior Executives.


The venue for the program has to be necessarily outside the premises preferably at a good distance from the ordinary place of residences of participants so that the chances of any organizational or personal distraction are minimal.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here