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Communication has been the backbone of organizational effectiveness. When we talk or when we write, we all believe that we are communicating. Most often than not, we are unaware of the fact that very often we either do not communicate properly or we take the other’s ability to receive our communication correctly for granted.

The present Program aims at improving the communication and presentation skills of the participants by making them aware of certain usual (and some times unusual) problems in communication. Participants are made aware of their own psychological and behavioural dynamics, which hinder their communication skills and presentation activities.

The philosophy of the program is: Source of all personal stress, interpersonal conflicts and teams’ disharmony, bad leadership and managerial behavior lie in bad relationships and all breakdowns in relationships occur because of sloppy communication.

In the contemporary era, presentation skills for managers have become an imperative requirement. Managers in all roles starting with departmental meetings or budget demands or winning a customer or arguing his/her point of view need to display exemplary skill in presenting his/her case.

Thus if one is aware of his / her own deficiencies and psychological / behavioural barriers to communicate and to present his/her points of view effectively, he/she can greatly reduce his/her own as well as the organization’s problems on his/her own, manage effectively and attain peace of mind. In this whole process, the presentation skill plays a very important role.

Location & Date

  • 16th - 18th June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


For India: Rs.10,500/-
For Other Countries: $450

About Cancellation Policies

Course Outline


  • To enable the participants to identify the dynamics of effective communication.
  • To enable them to identify the roles of their own biases and prejudices in communication.
  • To enable them identify their OWN Blocks and resolve it.
  • To enable them to identify others’ (other than their own) barriers of communication and ways to overcome them.
  • To help them improve their presentation skills.
Topics To Be Covered

  • Man as a communicator.
  • Basics of communication.
  • General purpose of interpersonal and superior - subordinate communication.
  • Roles of perception, motives, biases and prejudices in communication.
  • Factors of effective communication.
  • Barriers to effective communication and ways to overcome them.
  • Factors of effective presentation.
  • Presentation skills and its facilitative techniques with demonstration.
  • Feedback.
  • Take Home Lessons.
  • Action Plan.

Three days with six hours of interactive sessions scheduled each day.


Methodology will be a mix of audio – visuals based on experiential exercises, story – telling, inspirational examples, psychological tests, lectures, discussion and presentations by the participants themselves. The Organization will arrange for shooting a video of the sessions relating to presentation skills.

Target Groups

The program is targeted at all levels of functionaries including Managers, Executives, and Officers from HR and non-HR functions In the interest of the effectiveness of the program, the number of participants may not exceed 20.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here.