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One of the most frequently felt need of the younger and the junior level professionals in all types of organizations in this country and abroad is for a mentor or coach to help them navigate their way through the organizational lives and work and to assist with their career choices and development. Some people are lucky to stumble across a good mentor. However, this is usually the result of individual efforts and often of a well thought out program within an organization.

Today, to survive and thrive, any organization must learn to change with the market and times. If we are to have learning organizations, we all must act as learning and teaching/coaching executives. Learning refers to any change in behaviour.

Organizational Behaviour (initially seen as actions) is the sum of professional skills affected by personal skills and behavioural aspects such as; beliefs, values, attitudes, motivation, thoughts and unconscious drives. Professional evidence based coaching is now recognized as the critical platform for successful organizational change and learning initiatives.

Many recent business-coaching studies have all confirmed that changing behaviour with the right coaching techniques and delivery mechanisms can have a dramatic, beneficial influence on human dynamics, the cultural and environmental context of an organization, and the output of the system – the organization’s performance.1

If people are truly the primary resource of an organization, then they must be developed and managed not unlike any other asset portfolio. As every individual has a unique resource portfolio of strengths and liabilities -coaches need to be trained how to optimize and realise the potential of that individual’s assets, minimize the weaknesses and add lasting “value” to their overall personal and professional skills resources portfolio.

The third dimension of employee development program is to train managers and executives of all ranks how to mentor and coach empathically. Getting the work done is only part of the supervisor’s job. Supervisors are responsible for making the workplace safe, legal and harassment-free, vibrant and create a learning climate. They have to know how to motivate their employees to learn the technicalities of their jobs and they are also supposed to mentor and coach (teach) their subordinates to achieve the desired result.

In brief, the whole idea and philosophy of the present proposed 1-day workshop is based on the three dimensions of leaning, mentoring and coaching activities and skills. The basic idea is depicted in the following model.

Location & Date

  • 17th - 18th June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


For India: Rs.7000/-
For Other Countries: $300

About Cancellation Policies

Course Outline

Benefits Of Mentoring Training

  • Improvement in mentors’ characteristics
  • Development of Mentors’ skills to develop the mentees
  • Acquiring the benefits of being a mentor supervisor
  • Benefits to the organization in terms of;
  • Increased efficiency, productivity and interpersonal relationships
  • Decrease in training time and cost
  • Increase in profitability (per capita)
  • Increased utilization of mentees’ and mentors’ potential
  • Increased satisfaction among all employees
  • All of the above projected benefits combined with successful establishment of the institution of Mentoring Practices in the company will guarantee millions of rupees in return to the company by way of saving (in training time, training cost, reduced lag time between recruitment and productivity, increased ability of the employees to generate new ideas, etc.) and profitability in a few years.
Course Objective

After completion of the course, the participants are expected to know, understand, practice and develop the following:

  • What mentoring skills are, and how they differ from managing and supervising?
  • What a mentor actually does?
  • How do the processes exactly work - the where, what, how and when?
  • What they can and cannot expect from their protégé and whether their protégés are making progress, and what to do about it if they are not?
  • How to avoid common pitfalls and constantly improve as a mentor/mentee?
Course Coverage
Phase 1: An Overview Of Mentoring, Coaching, Supervising And Managing

  • Why mentoring?
  • Preparing and Exploring the mentoring process.
  • Defining the starting point—how do we propose to go about it?
Phase 2: Setting Realistic And Achievable Program Objectives

  • Reaching an Understanding
  • Defining mentoring goals, roles and responsibilities of mentors
  • Setting ground rules
Phase 3: Empowering

  • Characteristics and qualities of effective mentors
  • Keys to successful / effective mentoring
  • Do's & Don’ts in mentoring
  • How to receive and provide feedback
  • Regular follow-up and maintaining notes and journals
Phase 4: Closure

  • Why mentoring fails?
  • Evaluate accomplishments
  • Celebrate—valediction

Two full day of six hours of input sessions


The program will use a mixed package of methods including unstructured and structured sessions of lectures, exercises, games, case studies, audio – visuals, films, etc. No interruption is allowed.

Target Groups

The target groups will be around 50 to 75 executives of all levels of management cadres who are likely to act as mentors in the company. Majority of them may be working in O&M functions. Each workshop will ideally be able to accommodate not more than 15 -18 participants in the interest of the learning and practice of the content. Ideally there could be 8 mentors and 8 mentees i.e. an equal numbers of mentees and mentors in each group. Treat it as a highly desirable and hence, essential condition in the interest of the program.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here