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Time is irreplaceable, irrevocable and non-recoverable. If you don’t take control of what you do with your time then ‘You’ll be inefficient, ineffective and non-promotable. You will stand a very good chance of becoming redundant, your subordinates (if you have any) won’t be able to do their jobs properly, your boss will come to regard you as a waste of space. And so, it goes on….. a vicious circle of incompetence, inadequacy, inefficiency and ineffectiveness.

Time isn’t like the Brazilian Rain Forest; it isn’t like a Table-Tennis Ball. Once today is finished, it cannot be rescued. We can’t have a second go at it. We can only hope that tomorrow will enable us to learn and apply the lessons of today. You can not have another today.

Managing Time means Adding Values to the days and nights available to you. If you are serious about adding value to your organization, this means spending less time on Maintenance and Crisis Prevention, because these activities do not add value. They simply ensure that ‘value’ remains the same. Everyone can produce a value-added mission statement for his roles. If you can’t, it’s probably because you aren’t thinking of your role in sufficiently value-added terms.

On the other hand, if you manage your time well, you will be able to manage all the above. If you do not manage your time well, time will mismanage you.

This program package makes the participants realize the importance of time and make them learn the tricks of managing it suitably to make them and their organization more effective, productive, creative, innovative and cost conscious.

Time Is Money, Time Is Wealth, Time Is Opportunity And Time Is Luck And Life.

Location & Date

  • 17th - 18th June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


For India: Rs.7000/-
For Other Countries: $300

About Cancellation Policies

Course Outline


To enable the participants to

  • Understand the nature of time – its concept, nature and consequences.
  • Understand the sources and origin of their own personal problems with their time schedules and stress arising out of it.
  • Cope with their time scheduling, planning and prioritizing.
  • Remain timely in their lives and work.
Course Coverage

  • Time is not an enemy, unless you try to kill it. Nature of time – concept and etiology.
  • Why bother about managing time-some assumptions about time management.
  • Typical time management issues.
  • Four quadrants of time management-first thing first.
  • For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned-organizing to manage time.
  • Coping strategies and Behavior-dealing with interruptions.
  • “If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail-planning and scheduling.”
  • Saving time-in meetings, discussions, work assignments.
  • Activity analysis sheet
  • Dealing with time management related stress and its consequences.
  • Relaxation exercises.
  • Feedback.
  • Take Home Lessons.
  • Action Plan.

Two days with six hours of interactive sessions scheduled each day.


Methodology of the programme will be a mixed package of lectures, case studies, games, exercises and other audio – visual aids.

Target Groups

The program is targeted at all the levels of functionaries including Managers, Executives, and Officers from all functions- HR and non-HR.In the interest of the effectiveness of the program, the number of participants may not exceed 20.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here