Many prospective clients come to us and ask us what HR Outsourcing strategies are to be adopted in a post covid world. There are two scenarios, the first scenario will be if you wish to call employees back to your office but employees will be against this demand. Many of them would not be interested in doing so. In this case, we can have many strategies that HR Outsourcing organizations can help you implement.
- Office Setup: You might have seen many innovative office setup, decoration and infrastructure ideas on the internet that help offices be likable. This is done using modern furniture, painting, indoor games, etc. Typically the way Google, Amazon, and some IT organizations do. Their photographs flash on the Internet in many places. You can also check out your HR outsourcing partner for such ideas since they have experience working with many organizations, hence, these kinds of ideas can be brought into practice.
- The Habit Of Working From home: During the pandemic, many got into the habit of operating from home. It has been seen that even HR folks do not wish to come back to the office. Therefore, you can think of asking your HR outsourcing partner to have a few people from their HR department To be in the office. You can consider connecting with us as well here https://salahkaarconsultants.com/contact-us/If the HR Outsourcing team is there in the office, it will motivate the existing HR team also to come back to the office soon. Or maybe the question mark on their incapability of not being in office could be unbearable for them. These few things do give positive results.
- Employee Training: While talking about what HR outsourcing strategies are to be adopted in the post-Covid world, We also recommended having some really good training programs, preferably technical training which employees would like to have and you can make it offline instead of doing it online. This would encourage employees to come to the office and attend the training.
Now the second scenario could be where you wish your employees to work from home to save on office expenses.
Then let us check what HR outsourcing strategy is to be adopted in a post-Covid world for such cases.
- Government Rules: You need to relook at your HR audit service providers / HR outsourcing partner and do an audit of your entire HR department from the Compliance point of view. Example – If you working in a tax-free zone then for those places government has norms to have a minimum presence in the office. If you do not adhere to the given number then you might be liable to pay penalties. In these scenarios, you need to meet the government officers and explain why your employees are not able to join the office soon. And correct as per their guidance.
- Employee Performance: Since employees would continue to work from the home, it will be critical that you revamp your performance management process and system by having close monitoring of their goals which could be done by way of a balanced scorecard or KRA/ KPIs.
- Employee Training for WFH conditions: In the area of training, you can go for corporate plans for learning needs. Consider having subscriptions of LinkedIn learning, Udemi, etc. Typically Salahkaar HRO team develops online training videos for clients that are tailored as per their situation. This will help employees to continue their learning even though they’re working from home.We recommend that any kind of training must be followed with some activities linked with the training and also questions around those training. You can connect with us to understand more about these strategies.
- Book Review Kind Of Discussion: Similar to a book review session, you can also consider having a discussion around your latest technology in a virtual mode for your employees. Consistency in having such activity would be key for success. This also broadens the thought process/thinking patterns of employees.
- PC Monitoring Reduces Attrition: These days we have also implemented PC monitoring software for many organizations. Clients were doubtful earlier since they thought this could backfire by having higher attrition. But our experience has been very good. There were software that could slow down the PCs, but these things are something that makes us or for that matter any mature HR Outsourcing company worth considering. We have the most stable and light software and get it implemented in our client space. Since we have tested many such software, you need not bother. We also bring these and many more softwares at a much lesser cost than what the typical market pays them.
- Team Spirit: The difference between the office and working from home is the relationship and connections that employees develop with their fellow colleagues when they are in the office. This goes missing when you are working from home. We have seen that having Zoom calls with videos switched on instead of keeping videos off makes a better relationship – reduces attrition.
- Cake Can Make A Difference: Another employee engagement activity that really helps us is of sending cakes to employees on their birthday or similar occasion/anniversary.
- Employee Referrals: In many organizations, working from home is getting less support. Therefore, if your organization is supporting this structure, then you can ask your employees to refer their friends who are good and can be placed at your organization by using the selling point of working from home. In other words, the referral schemes in your organization can work much better if your organization has a policy of work from home.
- Employee Communication By Managers And HR: If employees are working from home then it is also critical to have more polite communication since they will not have equally good opportunities to resolve the dispute and rub good relationships once spoiled. When physically people are present then it is easier to resolve the differences. Therefore, there should be tactfulness while writing emails or by being on chat with someone. Similarly, there could be a requirement of giving training on communication considering the new normal.
- New Technologies For Hiring must be considered in these conditions where employees are going to be permanently working remotely. Examples could be video interview Software for taking interviews. Software for checking Coding skills, Psychometric testing software and similar. Also Salahkaar HR automation software can be a good way to reduce redundant HR work. Connect to discuss more https://salahkaarconsultants.com/contact-us/
- Stronger HR Processes: Few of your HR processes should be stronger now. An example is an exit interview. This is critical because now you have got less physical presence of employees, therefore if employees are leaving you, You must understand the reason behind it.
True For Both WFH and WFO Conditions: In all kinds of scenarios and conditions, we must try to have talented employees because they would build their organization back to a normal level, had it been tough during Covid. So, this is the time to get those bright guys who have been passive candidates for your job. Check if you would get access to those bright high potential employees who would have not joined you had their company been comfortable. You can hunt and do well in the so-called war of talent post-Covid if you act faster.
Keep A Distance From Extra Fat:
Post-Covid the situation has been quite dynamic, therefore, it makes sense to keep a flexible workforce instead of having all full-time employees. Hence, part-time employees, freelancers, and consultants could be a good option. Similarly, a rental office or similar strategies could be better suited.
In today’s scenario, HR outsourcing companies help you manage your HR matters. It is the new world of specialization where you should focus on things that you do well, and leave HR outsourcing work to a third party where an expert and passionate HR team handle your HR need and strategy implementation. Let’s connect to have a first-level discussion.