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Assessment center is a process, not a place which, generally, comprises of a number of exercises or simulations which are designed to replicate the tasks and demands of the job for which a candidate is being considered.

These exercises or simulations are designed in such a way that a candidate can undertake them both singly and in a group and are observed by assessors while they are doing the exercises.

Location & Date

  • 17th - 18th June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


Course Outline


  • To decide relevant competencies and prepare their definitions (Competency Dictionary)
  • Identify individuals with high potential to optimize their development and growth opportunities and increase their productivity and efficiencies.
  • Recommending relevant developmental steps including training for the employees so identified.
  • Developing organizational interventions on the basis of the assessment results to optimize the growth process.
  • And if needed; Provide old hand to implement the development centers for the employees based on the recommendations of development centers.
Purpose Of Assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to

  • decide a list of competencies for each level/cadre/department/division,
  • prepare competency dictionary,
  • judge competence on the basis of performance against the performance criteria set out under each element of competency,
  • suggest developmental steps including training for bridging the gaps between acquired and the desired levels of competencies of each individual employee and
  • hand-holding for the institutionalizing, implementation and evaluation of the development center.

  • Identification of competencies for each level/cadre/department/section/division.
  • Define each competency.
  • Prepare competency dictionary.
  • Categorize each Competency.
  • Define competency parameters for each competency/components of each competency.
  • Assess Competency.
  • 8-9 types of exercises that will be used in assessment center for competency mapping.
  • Gap analysis.
Methods And Tools To Be Used
Phase – I: Meeting with the top management to identify competencies for the target group

To do the above work of Phase-I, we shall use two broad categories of approaches;

  • Group Discussion with a select group of top management team, and/or Meeting with 3-4 top management representatives for about half an hour to one hour each.We shall use unstructured or semi-structured questionnaire for the interview to identify/list the competencies required to be measured.
  • Detailed meetings with key role holders to define competencies (It may require several meetings)
  • Prepare Competency Dictionary
Phase —II: Mapping the competencies of the target groups

To assess the competencies of the target group, we shall take the route of Assessment Center Methodology. That means, we shall be using 8-9 tools (depending upon the needs) with a view to

  • Assess each competency by two (at least) or more tools,
  • Assess each competency by two (at least) assesses, and
  • Assess each individual for each competency by two or more assessors.
Phase —III: Develop developmental plan for the employees so assessed

A personal developmental plan can be prepared for each individual which can then be categorized into developmental recommendations for each department/section/division.

Phase —IV: Institutionalizing development center and implementing developmental plan for the employees so assessed.

This is an optional stage as it depends on the need of the organization to seek help for implementing the developmental reports. While doing competency mapping, we generally employ the following or some other tools as required. The exact tools will be decided after the first phase that is, consultation with the management representatives/HR functionaries is completed.

  • Leaderless Group Discussion
  • In-Basket Exercise
  • BEI (Behavioral Event Interview)
  • Role-Plays
  • Business Games
  • Case Analysis
  • Psychometric test (1)
  • Psychometric test (2)
  • Self-Concept Exercise
Number Of Consultants’ Days Involved

Total Consultants’ Days – Will depend on the volume of work and the number of individuals to be assessed and the number of the groups involved.


Total duration of the completion of the work will depend on the number of individuals and the groups to be covered in the exercise. We take a maximum of 15 individuals in one group for the assessment.


The program will use a mixed package of methods including Leaderless Group Discussion , In-Basket Exercises, BEI (Behavioral Event Interviews), Role-Plays, Business Games, Case Analysis, Psychometric test (1), Psychometric test (2), Self-Concept Exercises, etc.

Target Groups

The program is targeted to all employees at all levels. Exact target group(s) can be decided on the basis of the client’s requirements.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here