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In the past, employees were expected to be efficient in producing the desired results and their efficiency was measured in terms of the outputs delivered relative to the inputs used. Now, the focus has shifted to effectiveness. Effectiveness involves doing the right things, in the right way at the first attempt. Effectiveness is particularly important in the case of managers, as they are responsible for the performance of others.

It is the responsibility of the managers to manage and to achieve results through the utilization of human resources and the efforts of other people. The manner in which the managers exercise their responsibilities and duties is important. Consideration must be given to the effective management of people. Managers are only likely to be successful if they adopt certain basic managerial philosophies and an appropriate style of behaviour. Attention must be given to managerial performance and effectiveness through people.

Location & Date

  • 17th - 18th June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


Course Outline


  • Enhance the participants' awareness of their strengths and limitations in interpersonal situations and as members and leaders of groups to function as an action centered manager.
  • Help the participants to gain a deeper understanding of their values, beliefs and goals to develop a problem solving culture with emphasis on execution of organizational vision, mission and goals and
  • Create space for them to develop a vision and mission oriented action-plan to enhance their effectiveness as managers and also as individuals.
Topics To Be Covered

  • Dynamics of Leadership styles and managerial effectiveness
  • Competencies and Skills needed by the modern manager
  • Managerial Values, beliefs and goals: Their execution
  • Enhancing the characteristics you value most as a Leader
  • Interpersonal communication and interpersonal effectiveness to develop, spread and execution of the organizational vision and mission, company wide
  • Motivation and motivating their subordinates and colleagues to achieve the organizational goals
  • Partnering with people: Interpersonal relationships on the work situation
  • Developing and empowering subordinates
  • Building trust in subordinates
  • Group dynamics, team work and Team Building Skills
  • Conflict management in the team
  • Self-Transformation, Meditation and yoga
  • Action plan and take home lessons
How Will Participants Benefit

  • Ensure long-term business results by effectively developing people.
  • Align motivation with work and personal goals.
  • Instill a culture based on trust and partnership.
  • Increase dialogue and constructive feedback.
  • Understand the importance of transformational coaching and mentoring as a tool for partnering with your team.
  • Build leadership on the solid foundation of Integrity, Teams and Trust.

Three full day of 6 hours input sessions on each day.


The program is targeted to all levels of supervisors and managers.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here