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“Psychometric Tests & Measurement Techniques”

(A Certification Course from basics to applications)

Proposed to be organized by the ‘Psychometric Tests Based Mapping System’ of Salahkaar Consultants, India.

Psychometric is a term, which has caught the imagination of the Indian corporate world in recent years. And, like any other terms turning into a fad, this term too is getting its fair share of sycophancy, thanks to all kinds of hackers who are ever present to take a leaf from the scientific world and go around parading like an expert in the field. Faced with this scenario, we thought it our professional responsibility to introduce a real scientific program for the benefit of all concerned.

So, what does Psychometric mean? Simply speaking, it is the science of psychological measurement and aims at measuring psychological attributes like personality, aptitudes, attitudes, intelligence, skills, motivation, etc.

The present program offers you an opportunity to learn Psychometrics from a team of eminent psychometricians /industrial psychologists / behavioral scientists and gives you a chance to obtain certification from an internationally renowned house of Psychometricians and professional psychologists for administration & interpretation of some of these tests and their techniques.

Location & Date

  • 19th - 23rd June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


For India: Rs.17500/-
For Other Countries: $750

About Cancellation Policies

Course Outline

Objective Of This Program

The main purpose of this program is to help Sr. Corporate Managers / Executives / Officers and other non-psychologists (like HR / Recruitment / Marketing / IT professionals) in psychological measurements and acquaint them with the science of test construction, test administration, uses and interpretation of test data and their applications.

Benefits Of Psychological Testing

Psychological Tests :

  • are the most useful predictors of job and training performance, managerial potential and leadership ability and a wide variety of jobs’ components including managerial effectiveness.
  • are usually easy and inexpensive to administer.
  • usually do not result in adverse impact.
  • contain predictive validity
  • reduce adverse impact when used with other methods.
  • Are good predictors of hidden abilities, attributes, skills and potentials.
  • Are extremely useful tools for Competency Mapping and Assessment Centers

Five days

Course Contents

  • The principles of psychological tests and scale construction.
  • The uses of tests and scales and their implications.
  • Developing Skills in use and administration of tests / scales
  • Developing expertise in the interpretation of some prominent tests (as mentioned below).
Tests To Be Covered

  • 16 Pf (3rd/4th Ed.)
  • EQit (Emotional Intelligence Test)
  • MBTI at Work
  • Enneagram
  • Daftuar Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • HRD Audit (Salahkaar HR Audit Scale)
  • FIRO-B
  • Managerial Effectiveness
What Will Participants Gain?

  • Most Significant Gain- The participants will be allowed to take back one copy of the program each. (Each test costs several thousands of rupees).
  • A heightened self awareness
  • Each participant will be able to develop his/her personality profile
  • Participants will be trained to
Target Groups

Directors / HODs / Senior Managers / Executives / Officers. We work with limited number of participants for intensive coaching / learning interactions.


A group of eminent psychologists will conduct the program.