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All organizations and their enlightened managements have begun to realize that people do NOT learn effectively by passively consuming information. It is a waste of training money and yields low return on investment. And training by professional houses is quite costly. So the best option could be to train and prepare own resources which can take care of the company’s training needs. That is, there could be a scenario where internal managers and supervisors are equipped to train their own people in a better and more cost effective manner. And this has generated a cost effective need to train managers and supervisor how to train their people. Hence, this proposal to meet such a need.

Our program gives you access to tools, strategies, and techniques orchestrated in a fashion that elevates learning to a new level of experience and efficacy and equip their participants to transfer their knowledge and techniques to their juniors.

We show you how to optimize your training environment and training programs to achieve outstanding learning results.

The program focuses on practical, proven, leading-edge techniques and strategies that both new and experienced trainers can begin to use immediately with success.

Location & Date

  • 26th - 29th June
  • Pune
  • English
  • Salahkaar Consultants, Office # 2A and 2B, Pillar Homes, Opp. Silver Line Society, Near Ganpati Chowk, Viman Nagar, Pune 411 014, India. Landmark: Behind Fortune Inn Jukaso Hotel.


For India: Rs.14,000/-
For Other Countries: $600

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Course Outline

You’ll learn how to:

• Build, Deliver, Orchestrate, Engage, Use, Reinforce, Choose, Facilitate, Transfer, Plan, Apply, and much more…


  • Increase your understanding of and confidence in training.
  • Various skills required to become a successful trainer.
  • Increase motivation, comprehension and retention of learning.
  • Gain insight into structuring more effective training programs.
  • Gain the latest training methods and techniques.
  • Accelerate the development process.
  • Add excitement and increase the effectiveness of your training sessions.
Topics To Be Covered
I) Understanding How Adults Really Learn -Different Learning Styles and how to accommodate them

II) Opening a Training Session

  • How to build “instant” rapport with participants, melt resistance, and get buy-in from the beginning, Creative ways to open a training session.
  • Overcoming learning barriers.
  • Setting ground rules and why they are important in participative training.
III) Managing the Classroom/Training room

  • The number 1 factor affecting learning that most trainers don’t even know about
  • Using the above factor to boost comprehension and retention.
  • Directing the group’s focus.
  • Helping ALL learners to keep up with the pace of classroom instruction.
IV) Engagement Strategies for Enhanced Learning

  • Keeping your participants alert, engaged, open and relaxed.
  • Using rapport-building techniques with success.
  • Using activities and games to reinforce the learning.
  • Implementing a variety of learning exercises.
V) Combining Media to Make an Impact

  • Use simple methods to create compelling visuals.
  • Dos and don’ts of PowerPoint.
  • Using brain-compatible flip-chart techniques.
  • Using music to enhance learning.
VI) Presenting Information for Optimum Comprehension and Recall

  • Why “data dumping” is severely counter-productive.
  • Various techniques to reinforce memorization and “lock in” new content.
VII) Handling “difficult” participants

  • Techniques for effectively dealing with the most common types of difficult participants.
  • Prevention strategies to avoid the encounter in the first place.
VIII) Listening Skills

  • Levels of listening.
  • Encouraging “active listening”.
  • Tips to become a better listener.
IX) How to Give and Receive Feedback

  • Making feedback easy using a 5 step process
X) Presentation Skills—Voice & Body Language (Posture, Gestures, etc.)

  • How to use your voice for maximum impact: Body Language
  • How to ensure that your body language is congruent with your message
  • How to avoid annoying gestures that detract from your message
  • Techniques to include your audience
XI) How to Field Questions

  • Avoid common mistakes when responding to questions
  • When should you re-direct questions?
  • 5 tips on fielding questions
  • How to ensure equal “air-time” for everyone in the room
XII) Closing a Training Session

  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • Allowing reflection on the content to create a sense of “ownership”
  • Wrap-up techniques to cement the commitment to continued learning and application.
XIII) Liven Up Your Training: Creating an Optimum Training Environment (no matter where you train!)

  • Learning activities and games you can easily replicate that will motivate learners, boost their energy, and make retention soar.
  • How the environment impacts learning.
  • Elements of a positive, stimulating training environment.
  • Important factors for choosing a room, and what to do when you have no choice.
  • Use physical and mental energizers
  • Recharge a group when the energy is waning.
XIV) Some Deadly Mistakes Every Trainer Should Avoid

  • Understanding what creates a negative training climate and shuts down learning
XV) Instructional Design Strategies & Tools

  • Crucial instructional design elements for deep, transformative learning.
  • How to organize and sequence content in a logical, brain-friendly fashion.
  • The secret unveiled: The 6 phases of Accelerated Learning training.
XVI) Mini-presentation—Individual Project

  • Participants will have an opportunity to prepare and deliver a mini-presentation and to receive personal feedback and coaching from the lead trainer and peers
Examples of how we can help to reinforce application of new skills after the training:

  • Individual phone or e-mail consultations
  • Instructional design or re-design (individual or group)
  • Personalized coaching
  • Management support
  • Post-training reports
  • Evaluation tools
  • Feedback
  • Take Home Lessons
  • Action Plan

Four full days (each day will have training inputs of six hours each).


The program will use a mixed package of methods including lectures, Icebreakers, exercises, games, role-plays, case studies, audio – visuals, discussion based on feature films and other exercises.

Target Groups

The program is targeted to all levels of employees but will be especially useful for senior and middle levels executives/managers/supervisors.


You would be provided widely experienced faculty having combination of industry and academic world. Partial list of our associates is here